Introducing the Stay P99+ Mug
Dear Fellow Nerds,
We’re thrilled to announce something new—and a bit different—from nerdyStuff: our first-ever non-apparel product! Introducing the Stay P99+ Mug.
This mug is designed for those of us who aim to be in that top 1%. It features the phrase “Stay P99+” on one side and a normal distribution curve with the 99th percentile area marked in red on the other. Now, each sip can be a reminder to stay sharp and reach for the top, wherever you set your bar.
Why a mug? A lot of you shared that while nerdy, thought-provoking designs are great, sometimes it’s nice to enjoy them without necessarily wearing them. This mug is here to bring nerdy pride to your daily ritual, in a way that’s both affordable and durable. Whether it’s for your morning coffee or late-night tea, it’s built to be with you every step of the way.
Grab yours and let it be a part of your routine, whether at home, work, or study. Here’s to sipping in the rare air, nerd-style.
Thanks for being part of this journey. Here’s to more ideas, more innovation, and more nerdy love.
Yours in nerdiness,