AIAYN T-Shirt Preorder Ends Tonight

Dear Fellow Nerds,

The preorder for the AIAYN T-Shirt ends tonight (July 17, 2024) at 11:59:59 PM PST.

This preorder marks a significant milestone for nerdyStuff. It's our first time using this approach, a lesson learned from our previous product launch. As a new brand, we faced the challenge of accurately gauging demand and managing costs. Running a preorder allows us to better size the market and control expenses, ensuring that we can deliver the highest quality products to you.

What's Next?

After the preorder closes tonight, we will move into the manufacturing phase. We anticipate shipping out all orders by August 1, 2024. Should there be any changes to this plan, we will promptly notify everyone via email. For the latest updates, please follow us on TikTok, X, and Instagram (links at the bottom of the page). We welcome any questions or feedback you may have. Depending on the feedback from this preorder, we will decide whether to host a second wave of preorders or convert this product into an evergreen offering.

Thank You!

The biggest challenge of running preorders as a new brand is earning your trust. We genuinely appreciate everyone who has placed their trust in us and joined our journey with this preorder. Your support means the world to us. 

Yours in nerdiness,


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